Mr. Joschka Fisher,

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Werderscher Markt 1,


10117 Berlin



Dear Mr. Fischer,                                                                                                   July 2003



I would like to take the historic occasion of the June 17. 1953,  the day of people’s uprising against the totalitarian SED regime in East Germany, which went into history as the day of the German Unity, the day that Mr. Johannes Rau, the President of Federal Republic called as a milestone in German history to draw your attention on the last week events in our country, Iran.


As you know for several days in Iran, the students have been demonstrating against the totalitarian theocratic regime of Mullah. The centre of these demonstrations is in Teheran University, where thousands of students protest widely against a regime, that has been suppressing, torturing and executing the people of Iran in the past 25 years, the regime ignores civil and human rights and has persecuted thousands of who have different political views.


Dear Mr. Minister of foreign affairs, you know as well as we do, the reasons that these students demonstrating for and against. For the achievement of human rights and implementation of a liberally democratic order in our country, i.e. those virtues, which have become normal since the fall of the Nazi regime in the Federal Republic of Germany and for which one appreciates today the rising of the people on 17 June 1953, 50 years after – justly and honours the victims of the SED dictatorship on this historical day.


Dear Minister of foreign affairs , as you know, Mrs. Aung San Sun Kiyi was arrested again by the military dictatorship in Burma, she is the winner of Peace Nobel prise and the chairman of the national league for democracy (NLD) in Burma.  America and several other countries, among them the Federal Republic of Germany and you did your best to have this politician released, an honourable act, indeed. 


We Iranian cordially ask you, why the red-green coalition of Federal Government and Foreign Ministry of Germany, which is your domain, take no notice of recent events in Iran as in the case of Burma? Not only have you not raised your voice against the events of the latest days, i.e. the brutally suppression of demonstration of Iranian students, but you remained surprisingly silent.


You know that we do not have free media and press in Iran, and there is no possibility to report on these events.  For months dozens of critical journalists have been sitting in the prisons in Iran.  In the recent days hundreds of demonstrating students were arrested and abused.  Again and again Hisbollah, the racquet troops of the Islamic-fundamentalist - as in the past – stormed the campuses with tolerance of the so-called revolutionary guards (Militia) and demolished the student hostels of the Tehran University. These troops are normally equipped with chains and baseball bat, storm the student hostels, beat up the students so brutally, that they should be hospitalized, destroy the rooms and furniture and disappear unhindered.  


Dear Mr. Minister of foreign affairs, the article 1 of the German Constitution says:  The human dignity cannot be violated." I assume that this article applies not only to the Germans, but this article has a universal humanistic and moral meaning, which obligates us all to raise our voice everywhere over the globe, where the human dignity violated, ignored or hurt.


Dear Mr. Minister of foreign affair, at the occasion of 40th anniversary of the general declaration of the human rights at the United Nations, the Federal Chancellor at that time, Dr. Helmut Kohl expressed before the Parliament on 09.12.1988 in his speech the following: “All of us, governments, churches, social groups, journalists, each one of us are explicitly called to raise our voice everywhere, where people are tortured, murdered, suppressed and pursued."


We think, you would also respect these words and would feel the obligation of the German foreign policy to follow the words with acts, everywhere where people are suppressed and subjugated.


However the foreign policy of the Federal Government of Germany remains basically unchanged toward the totalitarian ruling powers in Iran and their undignified machinery.


If we consider the foreign policy of the Federal Republic of Germany towards  the  totalitarian, racist and religiously governed countries in Eastern Europe, Latin America, Africa and particularly in South Africa in last two decades, we can unmistakably recognize that the attitude of  Germany’s foreign policy toward Iran is different, the policy that should be accompanied by reliable and objective criticism of the similar regimes, is lacking toward the regime in Iran which recently was justifiably called by an Iranian journalist as the republic of the “knife-battlers”. Even after the indictment of the Mykonus process in Berlin, in which the so-called religious leaders of the Islamic Republic, Mr. Khamenei and the president at that time, Rafsanjani and his information Minister Ali Falahiyan as the instigators of the murder on the Iranian oppositionals in Berlin were condemned, nothing has changed in this appeasement politic, not even in the last 5 years, while you have been minister of foreign affairs.


If we may take South Africa as an example, Germany made a normalization of political and economic relations dependent upon the gradual dismantling of the racist and political repressalien towards the black population. We cordially ask you why in the case of Iran this admirable policy is applied differently? Of course we are aware of the fact that the economic interests of the Federal Republic of Germany probably not only under the Kohl government in the past, but also under the red-green coalition do play important roles and not the ethical and humane motives. 


Mr. Minister you yourself, in a speech at the UN Commission of Humane Rights in Geneva not long ago criticized the violations of human rights in China and Chechnya which I quote as follow: “ ... the pursuit of political dissidents in China, the members of minorities like Tibeter and Uiguren, and those of Christians and Falun gong movement has been increasing in past year.  In prisons and labour camps of these countries is being tortured and more has been executed than the rest of the world." 


You requested at that time China to put an end to the pursuit of political oppositional, to set free those who are imprisoned for political or religious reasons, to stop the suppression of the Tibetan culture and to guarantee for freedom of religions.  Likewise you criticized the violations of human rights of the Russian security forces in Chechnya and you demanded an examining committee to see to all encroachments.


Now, Mr. Fischer, we may ask the question, why couldn’t you bring yourself to have one word over the permanent violations of human rights in Iran?


The relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Mullah’s regime in Iran under the Kohl government for many years and above all with regard to the foreign policy under the influence of your predecessor, Mr. Hans Dietrich Genscher, were paradoxically and primarily accompanied by economic interests and he as a liberal politician sympathized with Mullah regime in Iran.


Since the existence of red-green coalition from 1998, hardly anything changed in the policy toward the ruling powers of Iran. unfortunately something has been added to the mentioned primary existing economical interests, i.e. the silent tolerance of the acts of power abuse of the regime with hope that sometime and somehow, a hope carrier of the west, like Mr. Khatami, who falsely is called as a moderate politician, would cause a change in the sense of a liberalisation of the oligarchic and theocratic power system in Iran.


This so-called hope carrier, who had promised the Iranians political - social changes by creation of civil society in 1996 in his first candidacy for presidency, failed in such a way in the meantime that at the student demonstrations in last weeks his resignation is required and is no longer taken seriously by masses of population.


One should not overlook that during the past seven years of the presidency of Mr. Khatami considerable politicians and journalists as well as writers were murdered in most brutal way (so-called chain murders).  Still dozens of journalists, hundreds of politically differently thinking Iranians are sitting in prisons, part of them tortured and abused.  Still with each opportunity the so-called "racquet troops” the Hisbollahis (God’s party), who get their instructions directly from the religious leader i.e. Mr. Khamenei and are omnipotent in the Islamic republic, storm under the watchful eyes of the Militia and the police the campuses and hostels of the students, devastate the houses, beat up the students so barbarously, that they should be hospitalized, and withdraw at the end unhindered.


Up to now Mr. Khatami and his government have not taken any action to curb such barbaric acts.


Dear Minister of foreign affairs, Mr. Fischer, the journalist Stefan Weidner writes in Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung of 5th of June 2003, issue 129, page 42, under the heading of “In The Heads Of Iranian People The Iranian System Is Long Broken Down, Only Europe Doesn’t take Notice of that."


Each interested politician, who is concerned with the situation in Iran, should read this article and get informed about the true political situation in Iran. I would like to quote some passages from this article and hope that you might rethink and reconsider your past appeasement politics towards the Mullah dictators in Iran.

Mr. Stefan Weidner writes and I quote: “a large gap exists between the government and the population, between the rulers and the ruled in Iran, as in Arab world.  However while the Arabs make the religion the catalyst of the resistance against their oligarchic regime, the Iranians identify in the 25th year after the revolution the religion with the despotism and manifest their resistance by religious disobedience.


The irony of history devours everything in its suction.  The today's regime in the Teheran has with the Islam of the revolutionaries of 1979 so little to do, as former existing socialism with the visions of Marx and Engel’s. Despite this fact Europeans keep firm in their majority to the concept of “Critical Dialogue” with officials in Iran.


You might present yourself as cannon fodder for the rhetoric of a totalitarian regime, which has initially proved itself unreformable against all hopes.  It was quite a prestige for the Islamic regime to be a partner for a political discussion with an European country. A small career despotic system like Islamic regime to be an equal partner, if not the special manager of a dialogue with civilizations and as the legal representative of Islam, that is  what president Khatami proclaimed in the 2001 before the world that his Islamic regime, that despotic system, to be an equal partner, if not the agenda setter, of dialogue among civilizations.  The desire might be so great and ambitious, to find a partner deserving  discussing with in the Islamic world, however Iran is not entitled to be this partner.


“The dialogue of the cultures is dead ", stated also Udo Steinbach, the director of Hamburg Orient institute, at the German-Iranian conference at the International Centre for the dialogue of  civilizations  in Teheran.  Steinbach remains politely silent, as though he wishes to say: “dialogue of the civilizations has always been based" in the past “upon this hypothesis: only in expectation of the future reforms of Islamic system one could accept a country as a dialogue partner and play the game with the Iranians as two equal civilizations. Those who continue to play this game, even after  poor performance of the reformers and nearly cancellation of all by the end of 90s by Islamic regime, have not grasped the seriousness of situation in Iran.



While today in farthest parts of Arab world a relative freedom of press prevails, although the intellectual discourse is swallowed by the oligarchic sump without consequences, in Iran any intellectual activity is considered dangerous, same as former Eastern Bloc such activity, is interpreted as an act  which questions the ideology of the system. All together thinking in Iran is a damned act and would be accordingly pursued, in some cases of course tolerated, out of strange carelessness.  Among the degrading methods of the Islamic system is usually never to define clearly the exact extent of the tolerance. The Temptation to think that the present regime could be reformed from inside, had been entertained by many Iranians including serious philosophers such as Sorush and Shabestari. By now, these intellectuals have reached the same conclusion that people of Iran had reached long ago: No reform is possible from within the system. But still in Europe there are some who still think otherwise and in order to have dialogue with the present officials make the trip to that land. But the discourse with Iranians is under Damocles sword and therefore, should not be considered as genuine. The dialogue with officials and others who can not express their honest feelings; have distorted the opinion of Europeans and thus has been hailed as a success.


Still another discussion offer like the last year journey of Juergen Habermas to Iran serves the Mullahs in Teheran to smear the actual conditions.  The “International Centre for Dialogue of the Civilizations” which the Habermas’ journey comprehensively reveals” dos not speaks out for the openness of the system, but for the uselessness of a journey into an autistic dictatorship.



Could it be a totalitarian state? Could one count it to the axis of evils?  Many Germans keep firm -full of hope - to the dialogue with a totalitarian regime, which hates its own people and disgrace the Americans, who declare war on this regime. One can read genuine criticism of Iranian systems, in the newspapers of late 90s, these newspapers have now been disappeared from newsstands and  their publishers were arrested or tagged with professional disqualification.


The American government after the bomb attack on Saudi Arabian, suspended its sceptical dialogue with Iran.  Once again there appears, that is America is a step ahead of Europeans and demonstrates political decisiveness.


Whether one likes to hear it in this country or not:  a clear majority of Iranians, with whom one comes into discussion as a foreigner, wish the fall of the regime and quite few of them are ready to accept even an American attack on Iran for this cause.


In the Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung, the issue of 22. June 2003, the journalist Ahmad Taheri writes under the heading:” The  Republic of the knife-battlers” "I quotes:  “there were In the Islamic republic in the past years many demonstrations against the dominant clerics, amazingly something new to the recent unrests however is their radicalism.  For the first time one hears on the capital streets the call; “death to Ajatolah Khamenei”. Thus a taboo is broken in Iran.  According to the Islamic constitution the call “death to the revolution leader”, who is the deputy of the Mahdi of the schiitisch Messiah, is an outrage which deserves the death penalty.


This outrage did not come unexpectedly.  In an open letter, signed by more than 200 intellectuals, university professors, politicians, journalists and theologians, Khamenei is warned: “   The fate of Talibans and the regime of Saddam should be a reminder that the suppression and tyranny with whatever intention and in whatever form are always bound to lead to the fall of regimes " is to read in this letter.  "We wish a free and an independent Iran.  We are afraid of the foreign rule and the attack from outside, however we hate also the religious despotism and ignoring the legitimate liberties of people".  126 reformist delegates had written some weeks before that in an open letter to the revolution leader, that his unrestricted power was unconstitutional, the fall Saddam Husseins in Iraq and the end of Talibans in Afghanistan wakes in many of young Iranian generations the hope that, the days of the Mullahs are going to an end. 


Six years ago the Iranians were fully certain that with their votes a liberal clergy, Mohammed Khatami has come in power. However the promised reforms of this head of state were confronted with his fundamentalist adversaries. Khatami despised the resistance.  Disappointed by their quarrelling president, his voter turned their back to him.  “Resign! Resign! Khatami” was to be heard and that not only for the first time in the past days in Iranian capital streets. In three weeks the waves of the protest could strike high.  9. July of this year is the 4th anniversary of a brutal suppression of the student rebellion in summer 1999.


Dear Mr. Minister of foreign affairs, I know that this open letter has become very long and I know that a German proverb says: “ In the shortness lies the roots ", but the goal of this letter is to make you e.g. the red-green Federal Government reconsider the opportunistic appeasing policy towards Iran, a policy which subordinated in the past primarily to the specifically economic interests of your country. We suggest you to reconsider this policy and raise your voice as loud against the violations of human rights and the brutal acts of a totalitarian theocratic regime, as in Burma, China, Chechnya, Yugoslavia and elsewhere in the world.  You are morally obliged to do so according to the human right declaration of UN.


The days of this regime are surely numbered and it would be good for the German policy to think of the days beyond this regime with the freely selected representatives of the Iranian people in power. I hope that this open letter has made you rethink about the actual situation in Iran and has also motivated you to rise as defender of suppressed and the subjugated people in your policy toward the ruling powers of Iran.


with best thanks and cordial greeting.

Dr. med.  Hasan Kianzad


Speaker and member of the executive committee of the solidarity movement of Iranians for liberty and democracy


p.s:  This open letter is being sent to the political institutions, Federal President, President of the German parliament, leaders of the parliamentary groups in the German parliament, party leaders, Prime Minister of Federal Republic, churches, trade unions, human right organizations, media and politically interested institutions